Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Autumn colour

It's fairly grey and dismal in the garden today. Autumn colour, I think, has been less than showy and quite short lived this season. At least in the East. So I thought I might cheer myself up by posting some pics I took this time last year, to remind myself what autumn's supposed to be all about...

It's been a fantastic year for small-leafed limes (Tilia cordata). Ours were absolutely thrumming
with blossom and bees in the spring - and their scent is absolutely gorgeous. 

Another cute little lime.

A fab contrasting autumn colour combo:
Rosa 'Frensham', Melianthus major and Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace'

POW! Take that you boring native trees.
Nothing does autumn colour quite like Taxodium distichum


  1. Toms this is excellent, great to see you posting again. There can only be a handful of trees out there more exciting than Taxodium distichum, what a beauty!

  2. Huzzah, I was wondering when another Sally post was due.
    Our Taxodiums are just beginning to colour up now, far later than in previous years. Autumn colour has been fairly disappointing up here too until the last fortnight when the reds, yellows and oranges have all come out at once. I fear a strong wind may do away with them in one fell swoop though.
